29.6. Process List: ps

The command ps produces a list of processes. If the parameter r is added, only those processes which are really running are shown:

$ ps r
22163 pts/7    R      0:01 -zsh
 3396 pts/3    R      0:03 emacs new-makedoc.txt
20027 pts/7    R      0:25 emacs xml/common/utilities.xml
20974 pts/7    R      0:01 emacs jj.xml
27454 pts/7    R      0:00 ps r

This parameter has to be written without a minus sign. The various parameters are written sometimes with and sometimes without the minus sign. The man page could well frighten off potential users. Fortunately, the ps --help command produces a brief page of help.

Let us check how many emacs processes are running:

$ ps x | grep emacs
 1288 ?        S      0:07 emacs
 3396 pts/3    S      0:04 emacs new-makedoc.txt
 3475 ?        S      0:03 emacs .Xresources
20027 pts/7    S      0:40 emacs xml/common/utilities.xml
20974 pts/7    S      0:02 emacs jj.xml

$ pidof emacs
20974 20027 3475 3396 1288

The parameter -p is used to select processes via the process ID:

$ ps www -p $(pidof xterm)
 9025 ?        S      0:01 xterm -g 100x45+0+200
 9176 ?        S      0:00 xterm -g 100x45+0+200
29854 ?        S      0:21 xterm -g 100x75+20+0 -fn \
 4378 ?        S      0:01 xterm -bg MistyRose1 -T root -n root -e su -l
25543 ?        S      0:02 xterm -g 100x45+0+200
22161 ?        R      0:14 xterm -g 100x45+0+200
16832 ?        S      0:01 xterm -bg MistyRose1 -T root -n root -e su -l
16912 ?        S      0:00 xterm -g 100x45+0+200
17861 ?        S      0:00 xterm -bg DarkSeaGreen1 -g 120x45+40+300
19930 ?        S      0:13 xterm -bg LightCyan
21686 ?        S      0:04 xterm -g 100x45+0+200 -fn lucidasanstypewriter-12
23104 ?        S      0:00 xterm -g 100x45+0+200
26547 ?        S      0:00 xterm -g 100x45+0+200