Installing RPM Files

Posted: 9 Feb 2005

If you have downloaded an RPM, it's very simple to install. I'd like to run through two different ways to do this. I'm going to assume that you have already downloaded the RPM file.

Installing an RPM in KDE

Let's start with installing an RPM file in KDE. First, browse to where the RPM is located. For me, this will usually be my desktop. Right-click the RPM file. From the menu that appears, select ACTIONS, and then INSTALL WITH YAST:

After you do this, a small window appears, asking for the root password. Go ahead and type that in. When done, click OK:

The YAST installation window appears, and installs the RPM:

When it's done installing, it writes out the configuration files:

After a bit, the procedure finishes up, and the YAST window closes. Congratulations, your software is installed.

Installing an RPM From the Commandline

You can use this method in either KDE or Gnome. Drop to a terminal. Change to where the RPM file is. Run the 'su' command to become superuser. Type in the root password. Run the 'rpm -i <packagename>' command. This process is demonstrated below:

[2355][smorris@linux:~]> cd Desktop/
[2355][smorris@linux:~/Desktop]> su
linux:/home/smorris/Desktop> rpm -i torcs-1.2.2-3.1.i586.rpm

Excellent, your software is installed.


These are a couple of quick ways to install an RPM once you've downloaded it. The first way works only in KDE. The second works in either KDE or Gnome. Both will get the job done.

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