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Technical Information
 Explanation of Class, Severity, and Locus error messages

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0: Informational
Provides a way to track noncritical events such as recording a message in SYS$LOG.ERR when a counter threshold is reached and rolls over to zero.

1: Warning
A message that indicates a potential problem or configuration error that does not cause damage. Example: Low on Memory.

2: Recoverable
A message indicating that a mirror error has occurred and the OS can deal with the problem or can provide a workaround. A good example is Hot Fix.

3: Critical
A message indicating that the disk mirror has failed and partitions are out of sync, or that a fix-up was attempted and failed. It can also indicate a loss of functionality as when ABEND recovery suspends a process.

4: Fatal
A message indicating that resources are low and the server could shut down, or that the process running failed and a shut down has occurred. A good example is when a disk drive is deactivated because of driver unloading.

5: Operation Aborted
A message indicating that the operation cannot complete. A good example is when the volume is out of disk space.

6: No NOS Unrecoverable
A message indicating that an operation cannot complete but that it will not affect the OS. A good example is when a compressed file is corrupt and unrecoverable.


0: Unknown
Unable to determine the location.

1: Memory
Problem related to memory. Example: memory protection or out of memory.

2: File System
Problems related to files. Example: compression or file I/O (input/output).

3: Disks
Problems related to disk storage devices. Example: disks, tapes, volume dismounts, removable media, disk hotfix, and disk mirroring.

4: LAN Boards
Problems related to LAN boards. Example: LAN drivers, Note: not used by the OS.

Problems related to communication stacks. Example: TCPIP, IPX, and SPX. Note: not used by the OS.

No entry for the value 6.

7: TTS
Problems related only to transaction tracking. Example: volume dismount, TTS log, and TTS memory allocation.

8: Bindery
Problems related only to user accounts and logins. Example: accounts being deleted and logins disabled or enabled.

9: Station
Problems related only to connections and remote console. Example: connections cleared and remote console access.

10: Router
Problems related to the internal router. Example: routing conflicts and invalid network or internal IPX addresses.

11: Locks
Problems related to open files and open file locks. Example: too many open files.

12: Kernel
Problems related to thread allocation and scheduling.

13: UPS
Defined but not used by the OS, can be used by other NLMs. Service Protocol NCP, IPX packet related issues. Example: IPX incomplete packet.

SFTIII related issues. Example: MSL board establishing a connection.

15: Resource Tracking
Problems related to tracking OS resources. Example: memory allocation for NLMs.

16: NLM
Only used once for command problems at the server console.

17: OS Information
Used in many areas throughout the OS. Example: ABEND recovery.

18: Cache
Problems related to cache memory. Example: cache buffers or out of memory.

19: Domain
Defined but not used by the OS.


0: Class Unknown
1: Out of Resources
2: Temporary Situation
3: Authorization Failure
4: Internal Error
5: Hardware Failure
6: System Failure
7: Request Error
8: Not Found
9: Bad Format
10: Locked
11: Media Failure
12: Item Exists
13: Station Failure
14: Limit Exceeded
15: Configuration Error
16: Limit Almost Exceeded
17: Security Audit Information
18: Disk Information
19: General Information
20: File Compression
21: Protection Violation

So in the example shown at the beginning of this TID, "Severity = 0, Locus = 2, Class = 19", this means that the message was informational and that the event location occurred within the file system with a classification of general information.

Some system message will contain something similar to the following: "The NETSHLD.NLM has registered a file system hook (5)".

The following table will help identify what this message refers to.


0: Erase File
1: Open File
2: Create File
3: Create and Open File
4: Rename EntryClose File
5: Create Directory
6: Delete Directory
7: Modify Directory Entry
8: Salvage File
9: Purge File
10: Rename Name Space Entry
11: Salvage File Purge File
12: Create a File or Directory
13: Rename a File or Directory
14: Erase a File or Directory
15: Modify DOS Information
16: Modify Name Space Specific Information
17: Initialize File Search
18: Continue File Search
19: Search Set
20: Directory Search.

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